July 21st is National Junk Food Day! So celebrate by chowing down on hamburgers and fries, potato chips, or your favorite junk foods, which by definition, typically contain high fats, sugars, salt, and calories and very little nutritional value. Then when your digestive system needs support, reach for your DiGize!
July 20th is National Lollipop Day! Celebrate with an essential oil infused Honey and Ginger lollipop!
July 16th is National Personal Chef's Day! Personal chefs, the chefs of many fine restaurants, nutritional coaches, and people who simply love to cook healthy meals for their families have discovered the value of Young Living's 100% pure, premium grade, Vitality Dietary essential oils.
Most of us look in a mirror every day, but did you know that July 3rd was National Compliment Your Mirror Day???
Our mirrors work hard. They see us at our best, and at our very worst. It’s time to find the closest mirror and show it some love by making it sparkling clean with Thieves Household Cleaner, then pay your reflection the compliment it so richly deserves.

Since we incorporated healthier lifestyle options, our health has greatly improved and now I can't stop sharing my love of essential oils and natural solutions for living in wellness!