In 2013 both my husband's and my own health had declined greatly. We researched healthy living and learned how to incorporate natural options to support wellness. After six months of research, including in-depth investigating of the many essential oil companies out there, we discovered Young Living had the absolute best, premium products. Their Seed to Seal Guarantee made all the difference to us!
My husband, John, a retired college chemistry professor, former President of the National Science Teachers Association, and recipient of research grants from National Science Foundation and American Cancer Society, agreed we should give oils a try so we purchased Young Living's Premium Starter Kit.
We started eating healthier, reducing processed foods and the amount of sugar we consumed. While researching healthy living, we had learned how Young Living Essential Oils' dietary products can help support our body systems, so we added all-natural vitamins, dietary supplements and probiotics to support our health.
We started walking and exercising more. We found plant-based products to deal with the occasional issues that come with trying to do too much at our age.
We ditched candles and room sprays after discovering how harmful they had been to our respiratory health, and switched to diffusing essential oils to make our house smell fabulous. We also ditched the household cleaners and laundry products that we had used all our life after learning they were filled with harmful chemicals that were toxic to our health, and switched to all-natural, plant based products.
Since we incorporated all of these healthier lifestyle options, our health has greatly improved and now I can't stop sharing my love of essential oils and natural solutions for living in wellness!
In the past six years, I've taught over 400 classes, including public & private in-person classes, online classes, and a 10 week (20 hours) essential oil course each semester at John A Logan College. I am available for one-on-one consultations, and I would love to teach a class for your family and friends, either in-person or over Zoom.
I have been invited to be a Guest Speaker and/or Presenter for break-out sessions at events like Autism Society of Southern Illinois, Southern Illinois Women's Health Conference, Saluki Con, JALC Faculty Development Seminar, Women's Health Naturally Expo, and many more! If you'd like me to share the transformative power of essential oils at your next event, please feel free to contact me.
I love sharing how Young Living's products can support your health. I want to help you learn how to live in wellness too! Please let me know what questions you have or if you would like some additional education on Young Living's essential oils and products.
Sharing the love, one drop at a time!"
Peace, Love & Joy,
YL Brand Partner #1934177
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