Most of us look in a mirror every day, but did you know that July 3rd was National Compliment Your Mirror Day???
Our mirrors work hard. They see us at our best, and at our very worst. It’s time to find the closest mirror and show it some love by making it sparkling clean with Thieves Household Cleaner, then pay your reflection the compliment it so richly deserves.
Whether it's just a few seconds, or a few minutes, compliment that wonderful person you are looking at in the mirror! You might find the time you spend boosts your confidence!
Here are a few examples of compliments you could use:
- You look great!
- Keep up the great grooming!
- You are awesome!
- That hair is styling!
- The bathroom sparkles just like you!
- Keep on flashing that amazing smile!
When you clean up, you clean up niiiice!
Learn more about National Compliment Your Mirror Day at:
Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the greatest of them all……. It is YOU!
Peace, Love & Joy,
Peace, Love & Joy,