In 2013 both my husband's and my own health had declined greatly. We researched healthy living and learned how to incorporate natural options to support a healthy lifestyle.
My husband, John, is a retired college chemistry professor, former President of the National Chemistry Teachers Association, and recipient of multiple grants from the National Science Foundation and the American Cancer Society. After six months of intense research he agreed we should give oils a try. We did in-depth investigating of the many essential oil companies out there before purchasing Young Living's premium products. Their Seed to Seal Guarantee made all the difference to us!
Since we incorporated healthier lifestyle options, our health has greatly improved and now I can't stop sharing my love of essential oils and how Young Living's all-natural, plant-based products can support your health. I want to help you learn how to live in wellness too!
Sharing the love, one drop at a time!
Peace, Love & Joy,
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