It's National Dog Day! A question I get asked all the time is if essential oils are safe for dogs.
Read more...If you're feeling grumpy, unhappy, cantankerous, surly, and all together grouchy on #NationalGrouchDay, you probably need some grouch buster essential oils!!!
Read more...On October 14th we celebrate Be Bald and Be Free Day! Some people have a chrome dome due to hair loss from medical treatments, for others, it's the result of traditional aging. Then there are those who recognize the beauty of a naked scalp and shave their heads! Shutran™ Shave Cream is for you!
Read more...I've found that the Forgiveness™ essential oil blend can benefit you greatly when you're on the path of forgiveness. The Forgiveness™ essential oil blend was formulated as a supportive spiritual blend of 15 essential oils to create a calm, uplifting feeling when forgiving yourself and others. Diffuse this blend on #NationalDayofForgiveness.
Read more...National Read A Book Day is observed annually on September 6th. Scroll down for ten diffuser blends for book lovers, then grab a book you'll enjoy and spend the day reading!