July 9th is Collector Car Appreciation Day! Who knew?!? We love using essential oils in the car for their many healthy living benefits. Essential oils do more than just smell good, they are powerful, concentrated substances that interact with our brain’s limbic system. When inhaled, essential oils affect the emotions to help reduce stress and increase alertness, both very useful when driving!
Most of us look in a mirror every day, but did you know that July 3rd was National Compliment Your Mirror Day???
Our mirrors work hard. They see us at our best, and at our very worst. It’s time to find the closest mirror and show it some love by making it sparkling clean with Thieves Household Cleaner, then pay your reflection the compliment it so richly deserves.
July 1st is Nat'l Creative Ice Cream Flavors Day! Get creative with Vitality Dietary Essential Oils!

July 1st is Nat'l Creative Ice Cream Flavors Day! Get creative with Young Living's Vitality Dietary Essential Oils!
Today, June 7th, is National Chocolate Ice Cream Day! I found a delicious orange essential oil infused recipe for Chocolate-Orange ice cream on the Ice Cream Inspiration blog.