If it’s the first Saturday of the month, it’s National Play Outside Day. Everyone turn off the television, put down your electronic devices, and get outside! Today is dedicated to getting outside to enjoy the sunshine and the great outdoors! Don't forget to take your essential oil infused must-haves for protection when you head outside!
- Explore hiking trails near you.
- Visit the local swimming pool or even take swimming lessons.
- Check out every park in your neighborhood and climb, slide, swing on every playground set.
- Start a game of catch, kickball, tag, Frisbee or make up a game.
- Go to the beach.
- Run through the sprinkler.
- Go camping.
- Go fishing.
- Fly a kite.
- Walk around the block.
- Go for a bike ride.
- Identify the constellations at night and look for meteors.
- Visit your favorite state or national park.

- Insect Repellent from Young Living is a natural, essential oil-infused alternative to traditional bug repellent that effectively prevents mosquito, flea, and tick bites.
- Insect Repellent Wipes from Young Living offer a natural, essential oil-infused alternative to traditional bug repellent that effectively prevents mosquito, flea, and tick bites with easy application. Convenient to carry in your purse or keep in the glove compartment.
- Young Living's Mineral Sunscreen SPF 50 is reef safe and free from harsh chemicals, making it the best healthy sun-exposure solution for the whole family.
- Young Living's Mineral Sunscreen Lotion, SPF 10 provides protection against UVA and UVB rays with naturally derived plant- and mineral-based ingredients and an exclusive blend of premium essential oils.
- LavaDerm™ After-Sun Spray offers temporary relief from the pain and itching of minor burns, minor cuts, sunburns, scrapes, insect bites, and minor skin irritations.
Benefits of Outdoor Play
- Playing outdoors breaks us free from routines, enclosed spaces and frames of mind.
- Playing outside fills us with energy. Fresh air, sunshine and physical activity helps us feel motivated to accomplish things.
- Playing outside helps clears the cobwebs from our brains and brings clarity we didn’t have before.
- Playing outside is one of the best physical activities for our bodies. It really gets your heart pumping to supply fresh oxygen to our limbs and brains.
- Playing outside encourages positive interactions between family and friends.
- Playing outside stimulates the imagination. Build a fort in your yard and it becomes your magic kingdom. Or a pile of dirt becomes a mountain to conquer.
What’s your favorite way to play outside? Introduce some of the games you used to play to your children. Whatever you do, be sure to get outside and play! Use #PlayOutsideDay to share on social media.
To learn more about #NationalPlayOutsideDay, visit: https://nationaldaycalendar.com/national-play-outside-day-first-saturday-of-every-month/
Get outside with the family on the first Saturday of every month!
Peace, Love & Joy,