Day 1 - 14 Days of Self Love
Recite positive affirmations.
The mind is a powerful thing. We don’t always realize the impact our thoughts can have. When you look in the mirror, what thoughts come to mind? Do you find the flaws and focus on them?
I think if we were all honest for a minute, we’d admit that far too often we speak negatively towards ourselves.
“I’m not strong enough. I can’t do this. No one would find this attractive. I’ll never be like her.”
JUST STOP IT. Don’t sabotage yourself like that.
START telling yourself the story you want to be a part of. Use positive language; speak truth over yourself.

Try these…
I attract positivity and happiness.
I think in abundance, not scarcity.
I am secure in who I am.
I am present, patient, and calm.
I am becoming a better me every day.
Go one step further… write these down and post them on your wall. Recite them daily! Watch and see the magic happen!
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What other positive affirmations would you add to this list?