Today is National Non-Profit Day. I'm celebrating by making a donation to the D. Gary Young - Young Living Foundation. One of the things that makes me the most proud of being a Young Living Brand Ambassador is how the Young Living Foundation is empowering people worldwide.

Doing our part for a healthier, more empowered world doesn't stop with our products. The Foundation's mission is to protect and empower our world's young.
Young Living invests in projects and programs around the world that champion education, end exploitation, and develop enterprise opportunities for women.

- Championing Education Opening doors of opportunity through traditional and vocational education, skills building, and leadership development.
- Developing Enterprise Empowering women worldwide to break the generational cycle of poverty for their children by investing in small business and fair-trade enterprises.
- Ending Exploitation Protecting the vulnerable from losing their freedoms to abuse and human trafficking. Slavery still exists. Lets end it.
*Current numbers are from 2017 through March 2021 and are updated semi-annually.
Information and graphics shared in this blog post came directly from the Young Living Foundation website. To learn more about the D. Gary Young - Young Living Foundation, visit: https://www.younglivingfoundation.org/
To learn more about #NationalNonProfitDay, visit: https://nationaldaycalendar.com/days-2/national-nonprofit-day-august-17/